Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Meet Tracie Martyn, Celebrity Facialist in NYC

Tracie Martyn Salon in New York City is not the leading day spa in Manhattan by chance. It is run by NYC celebrity facialist Tracie Martyn, who has decades of experience in the beauty industry.

About The Career of Tracie Martyn

Since the early ‘90s, Tracie Martyn has been a makeup expert to the stars, working with the biggest name in the entertainment industry. Given her successes at beautifying celebrities, Tracie made the choice more than a decade ago to open her own high-end salon.
Since then her client list has grown as she offers organic, rejuvenating skin care treatments that really work for the face and body. She has even been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine. Besides Oprah Winfrey, Tracie’s skin care services are endorsed by:

  • Cyndi Lauper, 
  • Kate Winslet, and 
  • Susan Sarandon, to name just a few
Taking Skin Care Seriously

Tracie Martyn is a renowned beauty expert in New York for good reason. She delivers products and services that provide immediate and long-lasting results for her clients. Plus, her skin care line is all about organic, natural ingredients that rejuvenate the skin while also calming and relaxing the client. Healthy skin is not a dream but instead a reality at the Tracie Martyn Salon.

For Celebrities and More

Even if you are not a celebrity, you can benefit from glowing, beautiful skin! Whether you are preparing for a fancy event or just want to look your best on a daily basis, the beauty treatments and products from celebrity facialist NYC will provide the great appearance you want. Make a wonderful first impression and live as your most beautiful self.

The skin care techniques are based on science and the experiences of the leading beauty expert in New York. They are suitable for any skin type, age, or ethnicity. Inquire today to see the results that the celebrities know and trust when you contact the Tracie Martyn Salon today.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Best Skin Care Salon in New York

New York is amongst the most expensive and posh localities in the United States. The city urges for expensive and sophisticated skin care salons. There are numerous beauty salons established in New York to facilitate and take care of individuals’ appearances. Веаutу sаlоns аrе nоw gоіng оut оf thеіr wау tо fосus оn brаndеd sуstеms аnd rеsоurсеful mеthоds tо еnhаnсе іndіvіduаls' lооks. Тhе bеаutу trеаtmеnt оffеrеd аt thе sаlоns dіffеrs ассоrdіng tо еасh сlіеnt's rеquіrеmеnts, аnd thе еquірmеnt usеd іs dіsіnfесtеd аftеr еvеrу sеrvісе, еnsurіng sаfе аnd hуgіеnіс mаnаgеmеnt.

Top NYC Salons Facility
There are skin care salons in New York that offers resculpting facials and celebrity facial treatments, and those that offer basic manicure and pedicure service as well. Ѕоmе оf thеm іnсludе mеtаmоrрhоsіs dау sра, fеlіnе sра, Маrіа Воnіtа sаlоn аnd sра. Тhеrе аrе mаnу sаlоns, but Traciemartyn рrоvіdеs thе bеst sеrvісеs, thеу hаvе рrоfеssіоnаl stаff аnd аrе fаmоus fоr bеst anti-aging treatments for skin. Тhе sаlоns аrе vеrу раrtісulаr аbоut hаvіng сlеаn tоwеls, реdісurе tubs, tіssuеs, аnd соttоn bаlls fоr facials and mаnісurеs. Тhе stаffs іn thеsе tор sаlоns аrе рrоfеssіоnаllу trаіnеd аnd аrе ехtrеmеlу skіllful tо рrоvіdе thе bеst оf sеrvісеs.

Celebrity product and services
Маnу аddіtіоnаl sеrvісеs аrе bеіng оffеrеd аt bеаutу sаlоns, оthеr thаn thе bаsіс skіn trеаtmеnts wіth tірs аnd anti-aging trеаtmеnts. Тhеsе mау іnсludе sра аnd tаnnіng, аrоmаthеrару, body and face resculpting facials, nаturаl nаіl саrе, hаіr реrmіng, strаіghtеnіng, sіlk оr соttоn nаіl wrарs, аnd оrgаnіс аnd bоtаnісаl рrоduсts fоr реdісurе mаssаgеs. Тhе trеаtmеnts саn vаrу according to client requirements and details.

Маnу sіtеs рrоvіdе іnfоrmаtіоn аbоut tор ΝYС sаlоns. Please visit our website to get the details on sеrvісеs аnd prices, аnd сustоmеrs саn аvаіl dіsсоunt sсhеmеs рrоvіdеd bу thе sаlоns.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Best Essential Oils for Healthy Skin

Dry skin, irritation, red patches, breakouts, allergies, etc., are major skin concerns for every woman on the onset of winters. The dry climate rips off all the beauty of the skin, making it dull and lifeless. Most of us resort to branded and highly-talked cosmetics and skin creams, but every attempt to restore the beauty goes in vain. In such situations, celebrity skin care experts boast of using organic essential oils for your skin.

Celebrity Skincare

Monday, November 30, 2015

Top Secret and Easy Ways to Avoid Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common skin issue in which moisture retaining capacity of the skin decreases or sebum production of the skin decreases. And, this can be a result of both, natural and health traits.

To avoid the issue of stretchy and itchy dry skin, different beauty regime and skin care tips can be followed. If you are going for the best skin care salon in NYC, they will always help clients get rid of it and ask to follow a particular regime or care after the treatment. The points they mostly focus on are as follows:
Tracie Martyn Skin Care Products

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ways to Prepare Your Skin for e Upcoming Autumn

Autumn season is just round the corner. This means the days would get shorter, the temperature will drop, and the air becomes drier. And, all of this leads to a rough skin. Autumn is the crucial season for rejuvenating your sensitive skin care routine and transitioning your skin from hot to cold weather. You need to follow a basic skin protection plan and supply it with essential ingredients to keep it healthy round the year. From repairing sun damage to preparing the skin for the harsh winter ahead, best facial saloon suggest some essential steps for sensitive skin care this fall.

Prepare your skin to prevent fall and winter dryness

Your skin is the most sensitive organ of the body. The skin gets drier, flaky or itchy with the changing weather condition and outside temperature variation. Here’s what you could do to make your skin feel smooth and comfortable again.
Face Care Products

  • Change your face and body cleanser from a gel based or foaming water-soluble cleanser to one that has a lotion or creamy texture. This simple change may completely take care of the problem.
  • Consider a toner rich in moisture content. Just after the cleansing process, a soothing, moisturizing toner can immediately calm your skin and establish a base for making skin healthy, as well as remove the last traces of makeup.
  • Go for an emollient moisturizer according to skin texture. Any moisturizer loaded with all essentials such as fatty acids, glycerin, ceramides and hyaluronic acid is best to keep skin moisturized. Also, check whether the moisturizer contains anti-inflammatory ingredients and other cell communicating ingredients for helping the skin to produce normal skin cells and produce antioxidants that could fight free-radical damage.
  • Add a serum into your skin treatment program to create a protective layer on your skin.
  • The changing weather also results in cracked and dried skin in some people. In that condition, apply cream or lotion loaded with salicylic acid, BHA, and beta hydroxy acid to exfoliate and build up skin cells.
  • Chapped lips are more common in the fall season. First, remove the dead skin with gentle lip exfoliant and then follow-up with moisture rich lip balm for rosy lips.
  • Do not forget to apply the sunscreen while going outside. Protection from harmful rays of sun in daylight can prevent skin cancer and other disease.
  • And last but not the least, skin facial for once or twice a month at best salon in NYC is sure to rejuvenate your dead skin cells and improve blood circulation throughout. Your skin will look smooth, fresh and more glamorous than before. Some skin facials in NYC even offer step-by-step physical treatment to compensate the natural moisture that has been lost from the skin surface.

Fall is the best time of year to boost the anti-aging and restoration capacity of your skin. Our skin always needs skin special attention and you need to learn to take care of your skin’s needs during the colder months.  

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Top Tips from Best NYC Salon for Photogenic Skin

In the age of smart phones, there’s a craze for taking snaps, not to forget selfies. Everyone captures the best looking moments and uploads them on social media profiles like Facebook and Instagram to get as many likes and comments as possible. Being photogenic, like the models, is a skill and anyone can totally master in it. Make the most of the moment by looking your very best every time the shutter snaps with these tips from skin care salon in New York.

TracieMartyn Treatment Room
Prevention is better than to cure:
Learn to take care of skin daily from a very early age. By learning how to moisturize, exfoliate and protect skin, you could easily take control over skin health. Taking care of skin every morning and evening reduces the chances of unwanted blemishes, leaving your skin to shine. The earlier you realize, the healthier your skin will remain in the long-term.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Nourish Your Skin With Natural Skin Care

Who doesn't want to look fresh and have a glowing skin at all ages. In today's world, women have become more cautious about their beauty. Furthermore, beauty has become synonymous to having a healthy skin. This is why most women have moved towards availing organic luxury skin care treatment; which probably is the best treatment for the largest organ of your body.

Organic Luxury Skin Care Treatment
Organic treatments and cosmetics are the best for your skin as they use natural carrier agents, preservatives and emulsifiers; which are soothing, nourishing and completely safe. Natural skin care salon offers effective and professional skin care products to enhance the texture of your skin without any side-effects. Recently, many people have switched to organic natural skin care products because all of the products advertised in commercials use lab-created chemicals and proprietary formulas which couldn't produce desired results; moreover, they are damaging to skin cells.